LED - different œlours
Connecting wire M-F
Jumper cable
Transistor BC 548
B pin IC socket
Capacitor eIecOoly1:ic 47Duf
PCB mount on/off switch
on/off switch
Capacitor electrolytic 1000uf
Battery cap
IC 555
Glue Stick
Capacitor eIecOoly1:ic 1500uf
active buzzer
7 Segment Led Display
Touch Seneor
DC Motor
General Purpose Board
9V battery
Mini piezo buzzer
IR sensor module
LDR sensor modu le
IR Seneors Obetacle avoider sensor
DPDT switch
Bread board 400 pin
1 channel relay module
Genera I purpose PCB 4 x 6
Soil Moisture Sensor
USB Cables
IR Sensors Object follower
Caster wheel
Resl8tor bDX (diff. types resistor)
7 Segment LED
Rain Drop Sensor
Sound Seneor
Submersible pump 6v
Connecting wire M-M (40 - 1set)
Submersible pump
Capacitor Kit
Ultrasonic sensor modu le
Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Temperature Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor Module HC-SR-04
Servo motors
16 x 2 LCD display
8 x 8 LED Matrix Module
Motor driver module
Water Flow Sensor
"SolderlNg İCON kit {Solder, solder wire,
soldering stand, desoîder pump, soldering wax)"
Arduino UNO
Arduino Nano with cable
Flex Sensor
2 WHEEL DRIVE robotic car
Hot glue gun leith 10 Glue Sticks)
Digital Multi Meter with clamp
Robotics DIY Kit
3 D pen
Arduino Mega
Drone Kit